archive ‘synthetic soothing’ research

webcam series beginning
session 1/2/3: researching the phenomena glitch [glitch feminism by legacy russel]
session 4: researching datamoshing
session 5: glitching the photobooth menu and playing around with the mirror-effect [what is it to multiply]
click for summary here

webcam series on glitching the body and where it goes
session 6: mapping commute-routes of the past and archiving
session 7: moshing data of going home
session 8: glitching first home and first street [can google maps be of artistic value]
session 9: researching important routes of the past whilst walking them
click for summary here

webcam series on sound
session 10: research on bilateral sound
click for summary here

studio sessions on glitching in real life
@fcp, by myself 
@acta, by myself
@rotterdam with Danielle Huyghe
click for summary here